GridDataset container

The GridDataset container provides a sophisticated way to store information about grids. In most cases, calling the class method GridDataset.from_array() is recommended. The common way of creating objects is as well available for GridDataset, but is reserved for advanced usage.

Creating a GridDataset container

classmethod GridDataset.from_array(array: Union[numpy.ndarray, Sequence[Union[float, int]]], name: str = 'unnamed', label: str = 'unnamed', unit: str = '', time: Optional[Union[nata.types.AxisType, numpy.ndarray, Sequence[Union[float, int]]]] = None, iteration: Optional[Union[nata.types.AxisType, numpy.ndarray, Sequence[Union[float, int]]]] = None, grid_axes: Optional[Sequence[Union[nata.types.GridAxisType, numpy.ndarray, Sequence[Union[float, int]]]]] = None)

Initialize GridDataset from an array.

As in general, GridDataset container provide a rich-API, GridDataset.from_array() allows to create naively a object with the source data coming from a numpy array and pre-defined objects for the axes.

  • array (array-like object) – Input data, in any form that can be converted to an numpy array or a numpy array itself. The array dimension correspond the grid dimension if no temporal information is provided. Otherwise, the first dimension is consumed.

  • name (str, default value: "unnamed") – Name of the grid container and expected to be identifiable.

  • label (str, default value: "unnamed") – Label of the grid container with a descriptive meaning. It is not expected to be identifiable.

  • unit (str, default value: "") – Unit of the grid container.

  • time (array-like, axis object, optional) – Time axis of the grid container. If an array-like object is provided, an axis object is created underneath. In addition, an axis object can be provided which has to fulfill the nata.types.AxisType protocol. If nothing is provided (default option), a time axis with the single value 0.0 is created.

  • iteration (array-like, axis object, optional) – Iteration axis of the grid container. If an array-like object is provided, an axis object is created underneath. In addition, an axis object can be provided which has to fulfill the nata.types.AxisType protocol. If nothing is provided (default option), a iteration axis with a single value 0 is created.

  • grid_axes (sequence of array like objects and/or grid axis objects, optional) – Sequence characterizing each grid axis. The length of the sequence has to correspond to the dimension of the array. In the absence of temporal axes, the length corresponds to the array dimension otherwise the first axes of the array is consumed.