Contributing to nata

Any type of contribution to nata is appreciated. If you have any issues, please report them here. But if you wish to directly contribute to nata, we recommend to setup a local development environment.

Getting the source code

The source code is hosted on GitHub. Simply create a fork and apply your changes. You can always push any changes to your local fork, but if you would like to share your contribution, please create a pull request, so that it can be reviewed.

Local development environment

For the local development environment, we use poetry. This allows us to deal better with dependencies issues and to ensure coding standards without the burden of manually fixing and checking for styles. To use poetry, simply install it using the latest version by running the following command in your terminal.

curl -sSL | python

Afterwards, simply run

poetry install

which will install all the dependencies (including development packages) in a virtual environment. If you wish to run a command inside the virtual environment, simply run it by poetry run <your command>, e.g. to run all the test

poetry run pytest

Alternatively, you can directly use the virtual environment by running the command

poetry shell

which will spawn a shell inside the virtual environment. With this, you can even run jupyter outside of the source directory.

In addition, we use pre-commit to help us keep consistency in our development without any additional burden. Please use it as well. Inside the root directory of the repository, run the command

poetry run pre-commit install

which will create commit hooks for you and modify files during git commits, keeping a consistent structure.