
class nata.plots.Axes(xlim: Optional[tuple] = None, ylim: Optional[tuple] = None, xlabel: Optional[str] = None, ylabel: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, xscale: Optional[str] = 'linear', yscale: Optional[str] = 'linear', linthreshx: Optional[float] = None, linthreshy: Optional[float] = None, aspect: Optional[str] = 'auto', legend_show: Optional[bool] = True, legend_loc: Optional[str] = 'upper right', legend_frameon: Optional[bool] = False, cb_show: Optional[bool] = True, index: Optional[int] = 0, fig: Any = None)

Container of parameters and parent and child objects (including plotting backend-related objects) relevant to draw a figure axes.

  • xlim (tuple, optional) – Limits of the horizontal axis in the format (min,max). If not provided, it is inferred from the dataset(s) represented in the axes.

  • ylim (tuple, optional) – Same as xlim for the vertical axis.

  • xlabel (str, optional) – Label of the horizontal axis. If not provided, it is inferred from the dataset(s) represented in the axis.

  • ylabel (str, optional) – Same as xlabel for the vertical axis.

  • xscale ({'linear','log', 'symlog'}, optional) – Scale of the horizontal axis. If not provided, defaults to 'linear'. If set to 'symlog', linthreshx is required.

  • yscale ({'linear','log', 'symlog'}, optional) – Same as xscale for the vertical axis.

  • linthreshx (float, optional) – Range within which the horizontal axis is linear. Applicable only when xscale is set to 'symlog'.

  • linthreshy (float, optional) – Same as linthreshx for the vertical axis.

  • title (str, optional) – Axes title. If not provided, it is inferred from the dataset(s) represented in the axes.

  • legend_show (bool, optional) – Controls the visibility of the axes legend, when applicable. If not provided, defaults to True.

  • legend_loc (str, optional) – Controls the position of the axes legend, when applicable. See matplotlib.axes.Axes.legend() for available options. If not provided, defaults to 'upper right'.

  • legend_frameon (bool, optional) – Controls the visibility of the axes legend frame. If not provided, defaults to False.

  • cb_show (bool, optional) – Controls the visibility of the axes colorbar, when applicable. If not provided, defaults to True.

  • index (int, optional) – Position of the axes in the parent figure. Must be between 0 and N-1, where N is the number of child axes objects in the parent figure. Increases along rows before columns.